
Bubur Merdeka: Let’s Eat Porridge In Old Hotel


Hai every one, I will bring you to eat porridge in old hotel. Do you want to join me? Let’s go.

We walk to Gatot Subroto road in Cimahi. There are a place where use to be is a hotel. Hotel Pension Tijhof. Its build at era colonialism. You know, Cimahi is a garnizoen. So, Netherland have many fasilities for military. Many tourist came here for picnic. There are Emma Hotel. We can swim in Berglust. Unfortunately, Emma hotel was damage. But we can see berglust. Its so sad. No water. And hotel Pension was run down

Hotel Pension Tijhof as Merdeka Store

Now, we can see old hotel Pension Tijhof. It’s two building. The one is no good. Another part of hotel become to place for culinary, for eat. This building better than the other. There are Merdeka store. We can buy many cakes here. Pastel, klepon, bread etc.  But it’s also gone. Maybe bangkrupt. There is laundry now.

Hotel Pension Tijhof

Don’t worry. The building still there. We can come for breakfast. We will eat delicious porridge here. I recommended for everyone. The porridge is affordable. You can choose menu with egg, chicken or ati ayam (liver). But you can come every time. Bubur Merdeka open until afternoon. Its about 5 pm or the porridge used up. We can order by Go Food too. Its name Bubur Ayam Pak Rois,  Gatot Subroto.

If you don’t like porridge, there are others menu. Bakso, dimsum, ayam tulang lunak and baso goreng. Don’t forget you must order juice. Many times I try bakso. I like yamien or noodles. Another time, I try basreng or baso goreng as snack. It’s many spicy: cheese, balado, leaf of lime etc. You can choose one. It’s up to you what you like. I like cheese or leaf of lime. I don’t like hot.

I always come for breakfast. I am dine in or take away. I always come with my friends. Sometimes, we talk with the founder of Bubur Merdeka, mrs Purwati. I like her. She has many stories. We can laugh or emphaty. She sell batik too.

For lunch, I order Ayam Tulang Lunak. Cepi ATL. There are rice, fry chicken, sambal and lalap. Lalap is dish of raw vegetables and a spicy sauce such as cucumber, lettuce, cabbage, or basil. We can eat bone of chicken. It's soft. 

I feel comfortable in this place. So bright. I feel save too if go and eat here alone. So, you want to try eat here too? Please enjoy it.

If you don’t find this place, check junior high school. SMP Negeri 6 Cimahi. The place is front of it. In the backyard of Merdeka store, now we can find for coffee. Butik Coffee. We can drink coffee too, but I am not try it yet. I will try next time. The place its good I think.

Hai everyone, that’s information about place for eat delicious porridge in Cimahi. One place for culinary.  I hope this information usefull. I am glad if you happy.

Next time, I will give you another information, another places. Wait here.


Thanks a lot for reading my article

See you


21 komentar:

  1. Sorry i didnt get a point. So the Pension Tjihoff hotel was still in the same condition as it was and now it use as a food corner, or it was rebuild?

    1. Not the same. Just one part use as a food corner now. In photo, you see two building. The right building use as a food corner. It was rebuild

  2. Interesting kak, btw how much for one portion of porridge?

    1. Its different, dependent on topping. Range Rp 10.000 - Rp 15.000

  3. wah menarik juga tulisannya mengenai sejarah. Aku pencinta bangunan kolonial nih. Kadang bangunan lama itu suka berubah fungsinya di masa sekarang karena memang ada banyak hal dan faktornya.

    1. Yuk ikut Cimahi Walking Tour hehehe... Betul, bikin miris jadinya

  4. Sarapan sama bubur memang enak, apalagi kalau ditambah dengan telur dan ati. Asyik juga nih, makan buburnya di hotel dengan bagunan zaman kolonial.

    1. Betul, satu selera kita, Mbak. Nuansanya sudah berbeda

  5. Sekarang cuma tinggal Hotel Tjimahi aja yang masih tersisa gedung gedung peninggalan jaman Belanda

    1. Hotel Tjimahi itu dibuat oleh orang Indonesia, Kang. Dulunya taman mawar. Hotel peninggalan Belanda itu hotel Emma (berglust)

  6. I have to try this place and I think it's easy to find because in front of SMP Negeri 6 Cimahi. Definitely this article so usefull.

  7. I think its interesting walking around Cimahi city for culinary. Try various food like porridge, ayam tulang enak etcetera. Maybe someday i will ask miss Yayu for becoming my tour guide and culinary together at Cimahi hehe

  8. I'm waiting for the photo of porridge!!
    Bubur ayam tanpa diaduk dengan sate ati ampela dan kurupuk oren, sedaaaappp!!!

  9. I'm interested in trying the 'bakso' and 'basreng'. Especially the spicy and balado ones. How much is this?

    1. Lets go. Its cheap. Bakso under 50 ribu. Basreng 10-15 rb rupiah

  10. I really want to trace the history of the Bandung city and surroundings. It feels like Bandung and Tjimahi tempoe doeloe are full of history and legendary culinary delights that are still sought after today.

  11. Eating porridges for breakfast is always a good idea. Especially in special places like Cimahi. I like the historical places like hotel Pension Tijhof

  12. Jadi ini masih di bangunan lama tapi memang bangunannya berubah ya kak? Suka deh kalau bangunan yang ada nilai sejarahnya masih dipakai sampai sekarang. Jadi penasaran sama buburnya. Ternyata juga ada banyak variasi menu ya di sana...


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